
David Caradine

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1 Dark Creme de cacao
1 Green Creme de Menthe
1 Canadian whisky (Black Velvet)
1 Heavy cream or milk
Mixing instructions:
Mix in the order: cacao, menthe, whiskey, milk. Try to keep the layers separate. Float on the back of a spoon, tilt the glass and pour very gently, etc. I suggest tilting the glass. When you tilt the glass you can, when pouring the cream/milk, rotate the glass causing the cream to swirl down through the other layers which looks good. Serve in an apertif glass.
Creator/contributor's comments:
As you have noticed, the drink is basically a grasshopper. It is named after David Caradine's role in Kung Fu--Kane, whose nickname was grasshopper. It's a grasshopper that will kick your .
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