
Brain Destroyer

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1 part Bailey's irish cream
1 part Kahlua
1 part Amaretto
1 dash Bacardi 151 proof rum
Mixing instructions:
Add the Bailey's, Kahlua, and Amaretto together in the shot glass. Then add a dash of Bacardi 151.
Creator/contributor's comments:
Bacardi 151 is essential to the proper effect of this drink. The taste of the 151 should be hidden by the Bailey's, Kahlua, and Amaretto. The shot will go down smooth and hit hard a couple of minutes later - thus, the brain destroyer. How hard this drink hits depends on big a dash of 151 you add. Don't add too much or the shot won't go down smooth. Much respect must go out to my boy, Armand Aquino, who showed me how to make this shot. Enjoy!
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