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2 shots Peach liqueur
Fill with Peach juice
3-4 Ice cubes
Mixing instructions:
The Bernardete is very sweet, lots of fun and yet very easy to mix. Just put 3-4 ice cubes in a tall glass and cover with the Peach Liqueur. Then fill up the glass to the top with Peach Juice. Both ingredients should have been in the fridge before serving.
Creator/contributor's comments:
The Bernardete was created during one of the very famous sessions of ANTARES, a very well known and respected jazz club in Lleida (Spain) during Christmas of 1996. It quickly expanded all over Spain and it is very usual to see it being served in the most prestigious clubs of Spain. Perfect drink for coloquial sessions where one needs to be aware of the conversation yet desires to have a nice touch of alcohol running through the veins. Wonderful drink created by fantastic people!!! Visca Lleida i l'Antares!!
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